Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year, New Ebony/Jenny Craig Update


So I actually got my Jenny food, but by the time I got it, I had eaten every "bad" thing that I was going to eat. I am also in a house in which I am expected to cook my moms favorites like everyday! So needless to say I have been totally of plan. I have been eating foods that I would not normally eat, but "hey it's vacation!" What has been happening though is that I have not been overeating and I have not been eating just to eat. Those are two things that I used to do. For example we had just finished eating lunch one day, went to the mall, saw some of my Godchildren, ate some ice cream at an impromptu birthday party at Baskin-Robbins (I had a small). Now all of this took less than an hour and a half. Derek said he wanted to go to this great sushi place that we had been to and I said "But WE JUST ATE!" My husband said he was proud of me because the old Ebony would have just gone along and ate a roll...or two. I have made better decisions, not the best, but they are getting better. So for that I give myself a "go me."

New Year's

I think I am the opposite of most people. I don't do New Year's Resolutions. This year I am going to be the same way...sort of. Instead of resolutions I am going to make promises to myself. So here are my New Year's Promises.

I Ebony Promise to do the following to ensure a healthier, fitter me in 2009:

1) I will work out at least 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes.
2) I will eat 5-6 small meals a day.
3) I will eat no more than 1600 calories in a day.
4) I will log my food and exercise on everyday.
5) I will log my weight (loss or gain) every Monday.
6) I will sleep at least 7 hours a night.
7) I will not allow work functions to be a reason o go off plan.
8) I will not celebrate with food.
9) I will not allow stress to get in my way.
10) I will not make excuses!


angie said...

Way to go on making better choices! I, too, have been eating everything that I shouldn't. And a whole lot of it at that. But I'm getting back on track as of today. STOP THE MADNESS, I said! LOL

I really like your promises! You have some really good ones there and I know you can stick with them!

Anonymous said...

Love your goals! Merry Christmas Girl, and thanks for all your support during my difficult time, I just wanted to drop by and wish you a happy new year, we are gonna rock it, I just know it! luv ya!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Those sound like great promises to make to oneself!
Path to Health

Wei Sic Meow said...

Those are great goals. Best of luck with getting on track. Happy new year!

Diana said...

It's the better choices that make all the difference!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Skye-Lynn said...

Awesome promises! And what a positive way to look at things!