Friday, November 28, 2008

Tweety Plate Plan Totally Failed

So yeah, my big eat on JC all day only one plate of food deal. That one that I was so proud of didn't work out. Lets start with Wednesday. I worked from 8 to 6:15 only to get home at 6:30 to start cooking. I cooked until 3:30 (yes AM) and got up at 8 to continue cooking. Why so long you ask. I am a scratch cooker meaning that I don't use mixes and remember that gumbo I was talking about...there is a fine line between a dark roux and a burned roux low and slow will always work out. So in the midst of all that cooking I forgot to eat. I don't know what it is, but cooking does NOT make me hungry it has the reverse effect and when I am done RAVENOUS!!!

So I stood by my one plat and one bowl and only had a few bites of everything...but my body decided that it needed so additional water and I am retaining like crazy...Two a days are in my future. Alas it was all worth it I will slave in the kitchen and make sure single soldiers feel like they are with family any day. The two pounds I gained, however, I can do without. As well as the fact that I had to work today...I almost fell asleep at my desk. Well people I am going to go back to the NCIS marathon that Derek and I are watching. Hopefully you did better than I yesterday and if not we can get back on track together. Happy Losing!

Luv, Hugs and Smooches!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on getting back on track! I cooked all night too & sampled as I went along. Not pretty! Have a good weekend

Diana said...

Sounds like you did better than I did with the one plate and small bowl! I grazed all week long. Oh, well. This week will be better! I bet you with some extra water drinking you will be back in no time!

Diana said...

You did a great thing for the guys :)

Donnalouise said...

Like you said - back on track!!! I weigh in on Tuesday so I'm not sure where I am weight-wise however, I think I did pretty good. I'm sure the soldiers really appreciated your effort :)

Sylvia said...

Never seen or heard of a dieter that didn't slip. You have the right mindset...Its all about getting back on track and not giving up!