Thank you to everyone who sent words of encouragement about me previous post. I realize that I made a huge deal about eating Halloween candy which resulted in me "only" losing one pound. It was still a pound. So I was reading through my Jenny Craig "styleprofile" and really read the part about the mind. I say really read because at the time I just answered the questions and signed up for the service. Anyway, It has four kinds of dieters The Self-Sacrificer, The Weight Pessimist, The Lifestyle Moderate, and me The Diet Extremist. So what they say is that I need to master moderation and stop being so hard on myself when I slip up. While others may have focused on the one pound (and maybe the post made it seem that way too), I was focused on the candy that I ate. In my head although was only about 300 or so calories worth of candy it might as well been all of the candy in the world and I felt bad because I fell of the wagon. I just need to look at it as a temporary setback refocus and continue on my path. Thank you again for your words of encouragement. They really helped me to stay focused and on plan for this week (So far). Friday I have my milestone consultation, I'll tell you all about it, probably Saturday.
As always,
Luv, hugs and Smooches
I laughed a little at the master moderation phrase because if ONLY IT WERE THAT EASY huh?
I think thats what we all need to do.
I think thats what we all (or at least I?) struggle with
A few pieces of candy isn't falling off the wagon - eating a full bag of cheesies (super size bag) and a full bag of Halloween candy is falling off the wagon! You are doing great!!!
You are doin so great! I understand though - we all have a great way of putting so much pressure and guilt on ourselves. Just when you think you're your own cheeleader, bam...there you are being hard on yourself.
I hope you at least enjoyed the candy while you were eating it! That's what matters too :)
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